I was never picky about what baby products I used on my two oldest bio kids (ages 13 and 6). I preferred Johnson and Johnson because I liked the fragrance, because I trust the safety of the products and because it's inexpensive and easily accessible. But now I'm addicted to BabyMoon Botanicals. Let me tell you why (it's kind of a roundabout story, so stay with me):
A couple years ago I met a woman named MaryAnn Groark (pictured here with her daughter Maya) while at HBA in New York. She was a friend and student of my mentor and a few of us got together one night for dinner. As we were walking down the streets of Manhattan, we discovered that we came from the same general neighborhood in Los Angeles and that she knew a dear old family friend. I immediately liked her.
MaryAnn had just launched a line of products called BabyMoon Botanicals. It is a very thoughtfully crafted line of products that is gentle, natural, but still safe and effective. Almost a year after we met, I became pregnant with my third baby and MaryAnn sent me a package of the most amazing gifts, plus some an entire set of her products. Being the product junkie that I am, I had to "dig in" right away. Now, I could stop here and tell you how much I love the product and give you my glowing endorsement, but there's more to the story.
I have eczema and I have it bad. I battled eczema around my eyes for two straight years and nothing was helping. I had pretty much given up hope of ever being able to wear eyeshadow again. So, after the products arrived I decided to try the BabyMoon Botanical Baby Wash as my facial cleanser with my Clarisonic and let me tell you, within three days, my eczema was completely gone. I had tried EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything and all of a sudden I was dancing in the bathroom, finally free of red, itchy eye lids and puffy, line-ridden under eye bags!! My endorsement of this product is beyond glowing. I think it's AMAZING.
Of course, I've used all the products on the baby and she's wonderfully soft. The other product in the line that I think is miraculous is the Diaper Cream. I've always been an A & D mom, but the BMB product is far superior. Diaper rash that used to hang around for a week is gone overnight. Seriously. It's unbelievable.
What's the secret? I think it's MaryAnn's expertise. She's a certified aromatherapist and has a Masters Certificate in Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredient Science from UCLA. Her expertise includes essential oil toxicology, pharmacologic use of essential oils in the treatment of disease, and skin physiology. She knows her stuff and she put it all together very intentionally. The result is products that work. I love that.
I highly recommend this line for babies, children and anyone and everyone who suffers from eczema. The easiest way to find it is to go to: http://www.babymoonbotanicals.com/. This little line needs all the word of mouth advertising that it can get, so tell everyone you know!! And tell her I sent you!