Everyone knows that hair grows about half an inch a month, which means six inches a year, but only a few knows that the hair grows faster in summer and in spring than in winter due to the heat and the extra UV from the sun. Scientist have discovered that it is due to the increasing of the metabolism.
They have also discovered that sitting under a lamp, using hotter water when shampooing or going into a sauna should all help boost growth. If you want your hair to grow faster than usual you should use natural products like coconut oil or olive oil for example. Slather the products on your scalp for about 30 minutes and wrap a towel round your head, then wash the hair with a mild shampoo that suits your hair type/ it will be better if you use a shampoo that contains natural products like aloe, olive, honey or milk/ . Do not forget to use a conditioner at the end. Do this twice a week and you will see the difference ??“ the oil saturates the hair and makes it looks great , beautiful and healthy. Olive oil is ultra moisturising and adds shine to lack-lustre hair and most women know how much it helps the hair to look amazingly.Try this :Mix two eggs with three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon vodka/ or whiskey/ , smooth it through hair , wrap with a towel, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse throughly.
They have also discovered that sitting under a lamp, using hotter water when shampooing or going into a sauna should all help boost growth. If you want your hair to grow faster than usual you should use natural products like coconut oil or olive oil for example. Slather the products on your scalp for about 30 minutes and wrap a towel round your head, then wash the hair with a mild shampoo that suits your hair type/ it will be better if you use a shampoo that contains natural products like aloe, olive, honey or milk/ . Do not forget to use a conditioner at the end. Do this twice a week and you will see the difference ??“ the oil saturates the hair and makes it looks great , beautiful and healthy. Olive oil is ultra moisturising and adds shine to lack-lustre hair and most women know how much it helps the hair to look amazingly.Try this :Mix two eggs with three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon vodka/ or whiskey/ , smooth it through hair , wrap with a towel, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse throughly.