Hello lovelies!
I have forgotten ALLLL about this blog of mine but now that I have a website, a freelance career and an amazing hubby who supports me 100% I'm going to start bringing you all things makeup :)
Check out my new site: www.darlingmakeup.com :)
My first post now that I'm back is about my new project that I'm SO excited to start! Before and After series... oh it's been done many times... but not by me, at least not in this grand of a scale :) I, so far, have 15 models and once I know when I'm going to be doing this series, I'm going to order these, well... one of them at least for now... and the other two when I can afford to!
SO that's it for now... I'm also starting to work on face charts so that I can have a book of looks that I can/have/will do along with everything used so that if a client is unsure of what they want, they have a book to look through :)
Talk soon!