DIY eyeshadow primer

Yesterday I made a blog about finding a cheaper eyeshadow primer, as an alternative to the pricey ones so I found Sheryl Ng's channel in youtube and thought to give it a try. If you are a self-starter in learning makeup artistry, you will be needing a good eyeshadow primer to make your eye shadow lasts longer - it will serve as a good base in putting your eye shadow. I read a lot of good reviews about Urban Decay Primer Potion and Too Faced Shadow Insurance. Those are really great buys, but I am still at the moment of practicing different makeup techniques and I thought that making an eye shadow primer by yourself is more practical than buying. So here's the version of my eyeshadow primer.

I needed only two products in making the primer:
- Concealer or Foundation or it could be combination of both.
- Body Butter (any brand would do)

So just have to mix both products using a toothpick in a small, clean empty jar. I bought one from Watsons, I bought the stackable, and it costs me only P59.75 ($1.30) or you can just use a small emptied jar that you had from your other products, a medicine pill kit would work too!

Voila! I have an eyeshadow primer in a minute! Did I mention that UDPP and Too Faced Eyeshadow Primer would costs you around P1000 (around $17-$20)???

Well, see how it turned out when I swatched it on my arm... Those light shades of colors are the ones without an eyeshadow primer and the ones that are highly-pigmented are with the self-made eyeshadow primer.

So you really have to work on finding ways that will work for you. If you are on a tight budget and still practicing makeup by may do this. But I would prefer the branded eye shadows on special events that will require long hours and exposure to lights and cameras.

-Inspired by Sheryl Ng-